2023 Alternative Financial Services Trends Report

We are sharing the findings from this report in our latest webinar, Alternative Financial Services: Current loan trends, insights and consumer behaviors.

In this webinar, you will be able to better understand how your lending operation compares with respect to:

  • Growth through diversified acquisition channels
  • Portfolio performance
  • Consumer demographics and behaviors
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George Coutros
Head of Product & Analytics
Experian Clarity Services
George Coutros is Head of Product & Analytics at Experian’s Clarity Services. He has more than thirty years of experience in consumer lending, risk management and analytics. George has served as an executive on both the lender and vendor sides of the business and brings a unique perspective from his experience working for a diverse set of companies including national and specialty credit reporting agencies, prepaid processing company, traditional bank, internet bank and specialty lender. For the past eighteen years, he has been focused specifically on the unbanked, underbanked, and subprime consumer segments. Coutros earned a Bachelor of Arts in Mathematical Sciences from Johns Hopkins University and a Master of Science in Statistics from North Carolina State University.

Steve Fleming
Data Modeling Manager
Experian Clarity Services
Steve Fleming is Data Modeling Manager at Experian’s Clarity Services. He has twenty-five years of experience applying data science in a variety of fields. Steve built the first Clear Bank Behavior Score for credit risk management and the AFS New Entrant Score for expanding direct marketing efforts. For the past eleven years, he has been focused specifically on model development, risk management, research in financial services. Fleming earned a Bachelor of Science in Material Science from Rice University and a Master of Science in Statistics from The University of Texas at Austin.

Aaron Zelmanow
Director of Analytics Consulting
Experian Clarity Services
Aaron is a proven leader in the field of statistics with over 10 years of experience in conducting research and analysis to better understand consumer behavior and create actionable insights. He currently works as the Director of Analytics for Experian’s Clarity Services, managing a team that creates statistical models and business intelligence tools to support a wide range of lender needs that span the entire lending life cycle. Prior to his work with Experian, Aaron worked with TransUnion leading a team of analysts supporting the rental market. He has also worked as a consultant supporting national household brand names and led analytic initiatives for credit unions through his work with a credit union service organization. Aaron has a B.S. Finance from the University of Colorado and an M.S. Statistics from American University.

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