The Fraud Bot Future-Shock: How to Spot and Stop Next-Gen Attacks

Traditional bot detection methods — like IP blocklisting, user-agent analysis, and heuristic behavioral checks — used to be enough to stop fraud bots. But now, genAI has turned the tables: fraudsters can essentially reverse-engineer your fraud stack and create next-gen bots that evade every trusted tool.

Today’s attacks are made up of not only more sophisticated bots, but also unprecedented bot volume. In June 2024, bots led 2x the number of attacks than they did in January 2024.

Join our webinar to discover:
  • Why next-gen fraud bots are invisible to many of today’s standard stacks—making them one of the biggest threats that fraud teams have ever faced.
  • Real-world examples of next-gen bot attacks and how leading companies are stopping them.
  • The latest techniques for balancing bot-fighting and friction.
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Nash Ali
Head of Operational Strategy
NeuroID, a part of Experian
Nash Ali is the Head of Operational Strategy at NeuroID. With over 20 years in risk management, payments, and fraud prevention, he previously held pivotal roles at MoneyGram International, WesternUnion, and Bank of America. He earned his MBA from UC Berkeley and a BS in Electrical & Electronics Engineering from the University of Louisville. Recognized as the “Innovator of the Year” by Western Union in 2010, Nash is known for his strategic insights and industry relationships. At NeuroID, he focuses on integrating behavioral analytics to enhance customer onboarding, reduce fraud, and improve operational processes.

Mike Thibodeaux
VP, Fraud Solutioning
With over 30 years of experience in fraud and identity, Mike leads a team of industry-leading fraud and identity professionals. He works with clients of all sizes and across a broad range of industries to understand their businesses and the challenges they are facing, ultimately helping them to achieve their goals.

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